10 words you need to know for back-to-school

Tuesday, August 273 min read

Love it or loathe it, back-to-school time is here again. Soon alarm clocks will start the days and Catcher in the Rye will replace the comic books. But there is much to be done before we slip into the rhythm of a new school year.

Scroll through this vocabulary list of back-to-school words, and you’ll be able to kick off the school year by impressing your instructors with your lexicon.

Dysania - the inability to get out of bed in the morning

Parents of teenagers can put this new word to good use. By the time they’re in high school students shouldn’t be relying on mom for a morning wake-up call anymore. If they cry “dysania” and tardies are racking up, suggest a back-up alarm clock.

Pedagogy - the method and practice of teaching

Your teachers will have gone through extensive study in different methods of pedagogy to obtain their degrees. But don’t let the fancy word fool you — at its core it just means teaching. If you really want to impress your teacher, ask what philosophy of pedagogy they prefer. Knowing how they conduct their classroom and expect homework to be done might just help you earn that A.

Apprenticeship - a system of training practitioners of a trade with on-the-job training

Education isn’t limited to the classroom. Instead of attending a four-year university, some might opt to learn a trade through a vocational school. There’s good employment to be had as a plumber, aircraft mechanic, occupational therapist, construction manager, A/V technician and countless other trades.

Quotidian - occurring every day

Use this sophisticated word to describe the everyday routine of going back to school. It may not be the freedom of summer, but there’s something comforting in knowing exactly what to expect out of your day. Even if it gets a little dull.

Lyceum - a hall for public lectures or discussions

When the bell rings, ask your classmates to join you in the lyceum. The word comes from Latin, and originally referred to a gymnasium near Athens where Aristotle taught his students. By using the classical word for your lecture hall, you might be a little more likely to stay awake through the class.

Montessori - a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play

Preschool is a child’s first experience with formal education, and parents may be overwhelmed trying to make the right decision. You’ll hear about Montessori schools, but don’t be intimidated by the title. It’s just a philosophy of education that puts some of the power in the hands of the children. They get to decide how to play and learn through hands-on methods.

Erudite - having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying

Being described as “erudite” should be your goal for this school year. The word comes from the Latin erudire, meaning to instruct. No one likes a know-it-all, but make sure to chime in on class discussions and embrace showing off the knowledge you learned during last night’s study session. Your report card will definitely show the effort.

Socratic method - a form of debate between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas

Have you seen the T.V. show “House MD?” An interesting medical case comes in, and House works with his team of doctors — they propose a diagnosis and House asks questions that make them defend the diagnosis. They continue down this path until either the doctor can’t answer (wrong diagnosis) or House has no more questions (potential correct diagnosis). This is an example of the Socratic Method. The next time you’re in a challenging debate with your teacher and they’re pestering you with questions, just embrace the method developed by Greek philosopher Socrates. You’re likely learning more than you realize.

Dilatoriness - tending to delay or procrastinate

The student’s great downfall — we’ve all been victim to procrastination at some point. Dilatory has been used in English since the 15th century to describe things that cause delay, but the word can be traced back to the Latin dilatus, which is the past tense of the verb differre, meaning to postpone. To combat your dilatoriness, draw up a list of productive tasks you could complete while procrastinating. Clean out the pantry or organize your bookshelf. These jobs might be so boring that they get you back on track with your studies.

Bibliophobia - an unusual phobia of books

This isn’t just terror at the thought of entering a library. The word can also be used to describe someone with a fear of reading out loud or in public. We’ve all had stage fright at one point or another, so there's no shame in wanting to improve your reading game.

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