Ahoy! Here are 13 phrases to try on Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thursday, September 52 min read

Did you know September 15 is Talk Like a Pirate Day? Celebrate this day by including some seafaring words and phrases into your conversations.

Oh, and don't forget some general guidelines to making the most of International Talk Like a Pirate Day: talk with your hands and refer to yourself as "me" — as in “me treasure” instead of my treasure. Make sure you drop your g’s and v’s as well and ye’ll be on yer way to celebratin’  International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


To hornswaggle is to cheat or swindle someone out of money or belongings. In other words, a pirate's favorite pasttime.

Three sheets to the wind

Probably one of the more common phrases, this odd saying means to be really drunk. It doesn't matter whether you're intoxicated off rum or another liquor, you can substitute in different sheets (one through four) to indicate levels of drunkenness. One sheet is mildly drunk while four sheets to the wind is passed-out drunk.


It’s like the F-word, for pirates. This phrase can be used to mean many different things. It can be used to indicate agreement, displeasure, frustration or joy. Arrrggghhhh is probably the most versatile phrase on this list. Sprinkle it all over your conversations.


Ahoy is a general pirate greeting. Use it to say hello to coworkers, family, friends, customers, students and so on. It adds a definite pirate flair to any conversation.

Shiver me timbers

Shiver me timbers is an exclamation of surprise, shock, disbelief. Sure, it might be a little corny but it's been around forever and is the best way to get in the pirate mindset quickly.  

Bilge rat

Looking for an insult to call your enemy? How about bilge rat? In pirate terms, the bilge was the lowest part of the ship and held a lot of muck and foul-smelling liquid. A bilge rat was a rat that lived in the belly of the ship, surrounded by filthy water.

Fiddler’s Green

Fiddler’s Green is pirate heaven, if, of course, a pirate were to make it there. It's a legendary afterlife that was the stuff of myths among pirates and sailors in the 19th century.  

Davey Jones’ Locker

Not just the name of one of the many Pirate Caribbean sequels, Davey Jones' Locker was the opposite of Fiddler's Green. This place is the watery grave at the bottom of the ocean for all pirates killed or drowned at sea.

Me hearties

Me hearties are your squad, crew, posse, or just friends. Treat them to a round of drinks and you can say, "Drink up, me hearties!"

Lily-livered scurvy dog

A many-layered insult, this phrase can be loosely translated as faint-hearted person. There's no room for weak or cowardly members on your crew.

No prey, no pay

This saying was applied to scenarios where there was nothing to be gained. If there was no ship or person to rob (prey), then pirates didn’t make any money (pay).

Ye old salt

Old Salt is another term for an experienced pirate. Ye old salt, then is what you’d say to one of your more experienced friends.


Not the current usage of booty,  this last one refers to treasure. As in gather the booty or steal the booty.

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