Are "toward" & "towards" really interchangeable?

Tuesday, July 92 min read

Short Answer: yes.

The somewhat longer answer involves a wild adventure through the evolution of the English language throughout the former British Empire. Ok, well, not wild exactly, but interesting surely! We have graphs.

Similar to their grammarian brethren backward, frontward, upward and downward, whether you decide to include the “s” in toward or not, you will be correct. But why?

Though there is no universally correct choice, the usage really depends on the culture of the writer. American writers favor toward, while their British cousins tend to use towards. Same goes across the board for the collection of directional prepositions.

As the below graph illustrates, the shift in the sans “s” version has seen a marked rise. Toward the mid-1900s, one can see that the popular use of use of each word reverse in the American English lexicon.

This graph is from the tool called Google Ngram Viewer, and its utility is graphing the presence of strings of certain characters between the years 1500 and 2008. It is possible to refine the searches by regional language, as shown in the graph where American English is specified.

Looking at the usage of toward and towards in American English, we can clearly see a reversal in preference. We begin to see a decline in the use of towards from the late 1800s onward, as the idea that towards isn't proper picks up steam

But why? Merriam-Webster offers a little clarity:

“The first call to arms that we can find in the usage literature is the Edward S. Gould's collected musings on usage and abusage called Good English, published in 1867. In an article that is specifically about toward and towards, Gould quotes a bit of (not entirely spurious) etymology, notes that the Old English -weard has given us a number of words, and then claims that the addition of -s to these words is an "innovation" without merit."

To summarize: it was deemed excessive and/or vulgar to include the appending “s” on the word, so American writers gradually stopped using that form. So much drama over one inconsequential letter!

Conversely, there is an obvious distinction when British English is specified in the Ngram search: the usage trend of ‘towards’ has remained relatively stable for three centuries.

At the end of the day, either case is grammatically correct, so go crazy and include that vulgar “s” in your writing, if you must.

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